Divorce and Trauma Informed Coaching
Going through a divorce is not as simple as a legal process, it is a traumatic life experience. Having experienced divorce, some of the hardest challenges I faced were the combination of heartbreak, loneliness, grief, anger, anxiety, shame and humiliation, alongside the pain of not being able to be fully present for my children and coupled with the person I would have relied on for support, was on the opposite side.
What I needed back then was emotional support...
Someone who could help me navigate the intensity of emotions, the chronic anxiety and sudden panic attacks. Within the suffering, I was trying to understand the legal implications and make decisions about my future whilst embroiled within a nervous system stuck in fight and flight and an ex-partner constantly manipulating me.
I have worked with clients...
Who are struggling with the sudden end of a relationship such as betrayal, affairs, narcissistic abuse, or blindsided by a spouse just walking away without a word. Coming to terms with losing the life you had and the future you thought you had is traumatic. The trauma following can be the ongoing triggers of the marriage, navigating coparenting and the process of divorce, long after the paperwork is completed and finalised.
Trauma affects the body and mind...
Which begins to explain why dysregulation of the nervous system plays a huge role in potentially sabotaging the best outcomes for your present and future.
Our brains are wired to keep us safe and alive, and trauma changes the balance of safety, so you become flooded with cortisol; your stress hormones.
Your blood pressure goes up along with your heart rate, your breath becomes shallow as you are getting ready for fight or flight, you may even move into a state of freeze unable to move, maybe depressed, retreat, hide away and have no energy to make a decision, or move into fawn where you people please everyone around you, well-meaning family, friends, your solicitor and even your ex, in a bid to feel some kind of safety.
What happens through traumatic experiences...
Is you can stay stuck in fight, flight, freeze and fawn making it hard to make any decisions with clarity. Your emotional brain has taken over deeming you ‘offline’, any decision you make is emotional and fear driven, the logical part of your brain bypassed.
Divorce is life-threatening to your body and mind, and my job is to support you, and teach you how to come back into to your body and mind safely, and back ‘online’, and begin the healing process, so you are able to make considered choices and decisions with your solicitor creating the best outcome for your future.
Working with a trauma informed coach...
Who is also a Certified Narcissistic Trauma Informed Coach, is an investment in your future, because your emotions unhealed may cause your divorce to cost much more in time and money.
By working on yourself to understand the impact of emotional trauma, you take back control, stop reacting and make clear decisions about your future.
Please get in touch if you feel you would benefit from my support...
Or, book a package that would best suit your needs right now...
Introductory Coaching Offer
The session is 90 minutes - £135 (usually £175)
This is an opportunity to tell your story, where you are in the present moment and receive some immediate support. Also, to see if we are a good fit, and this can lead on to any other package on offer.
Package of 3 Coaching Sessions
Each session is 90 minutes - £525
Package of 6 Coaching Sessions
Each session is 90 minutes - £1,050
Package of 9 Coaching Sessions
Each session is 90 minutes - £1,575
This includes SOS WhatsApp and email support between the hours of 09:00 and 17:30, within the working week, for when a curveball's been thrown, or you need a sounding board.
We will work together using a combination of healing modalities and holistic methods, looking at your present, past and future. Our session could include:
Unprocessed trauma like narcissistic abuse, childhood trauma and negative emotions can be triggered long after an event has occurred, months and years later. Your nervous system responds as if it happened yesterday by being triggered into a fight, flight, freeze or fawn response, as your logical brain is bypassed by the signal of danger, where logical thought processes can no longer be accessed.
Brainspotting helps to find, process and release the trauma with very little and even no talking, the body does all the work.
How can I help you?